Noahide Life: Noahides and Community
As with any group, community is so important. However, with seemingly so few of us, Noahide communities are hard to find. So what are we to do?
As with any group, community is so important. However, with seemingly so few of us, Noahide communities are hard to find. So what are we to do?
The Torah requires Jew to eat Kosher. Are there any restrictions on a Noahide’s Diet?
The Jewish calendar is full of religiously significant holidays all that bring their own set of customs and rules. So what about Noahides? Do we have our own holidays? Must we observe the Jewish Torah holidays? Are we permitted to observe the Jewish holidays if we so choose?
Observant Orthodox Jews have specific modesty requirements, both in what they wear and what they see. How about Noahides? What does the Torah require of us?
Noahides live according to Torah, but Shabbat was given to the Jews. So can a Noahide observe Shabbat? If so, how? If not, why?
In figuring out our Noahide life, we must be careful not to add or to take away from G-d’s commandments. Doing so is considered creating a new religion, chiddushei dat, and is prohibited.
In addition to personal prayer, Jews have specific prayers and specific times for prayer. Do Noahides have an obligation to pray? If so, what are those obligations?